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British Institution for the promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom. Founded, June 4, 1805, opened, January 18, 1806 [...]; Catalogue of pictures of the Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, and French Schools, with which the proprietors have favoured the British Institution [...], London 1818
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British Institution for the promoting the Fine Arts in the United Kingdom. Founded, June 4, 1805, Opened, January 18, 1806 [...]; Catalogue of pictures of the Italian, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, and English Schools. With which the proprietors have favoured the Institution, London 1824 [exh. British Institution, London]
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London 1980 see Ten paintings 1980
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London 1996–7 see Brown 1996
London 1999a see Wright 1999
London 1999b see Harris 1999
London 2002 see Harwood 2002
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